
Top 15 Terminal Codes

Mac OS commands for terminal

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You can not copy and paste these codes into terminal, you must type them out.
by Matt M.

1. Make your dock magnification 300% bigger
You can change the 512 to anything you want. Do not go over 512, though.
defaults write com.apple.dock largesize -int 512

2. Make you desktop icons HUGE
defaults write com.apple.finder DesktopViewOptions -dict IconSize -integer 512
killall Finder

3. Disable/Enable Dashboard
Change the YES to a NO to enable it.
defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean YES
killall Dock

5. Disable the Annoying "Send Crash Report" Box
defaults write
com.apple.CrashReporter DialogType none

6. Add "Quit Finder" to the Menu

This will display pure wallpaper. Finder will act like an application.

defaults write com.apple.finder QuitMenuItem -bool YES
killall Finder

7. Make your Computer Talk
say (any words here)

8. Put Dashboard Widgets on your Desktop

defaults write com.apple.dashboard devmode YES

You can hold click on them than click F4 to put them on your desktop.

9. Set a Screensaver as Your Wallpaper

System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ScreenSaverEngine.app/Contents/MacOS/ScreenSaverEngine -background

10. Private Terminal Chat Room

Type in emacs than hit enter, than press esc and the x key at the same time. Than type in the word "doctor" and hit enter.

11. Make a Banner with any Words

Click and drag the terminal window to make it bigger to see this trick. Type in banner than it will ask you to put in some words. (keep it short).

12. Show all Invisible Files on your Mac

Believe it or not, right now when you go through random folders on your mac it is only showing you about half the files in them. Use this to show them all.

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles true

To bring it back to normal, replace "true" with "false"
NOTE: You may need to relaunch finder. (Command+Option+esc)

13. Make all Your Files on Desktop Invisible

chflags hidden ~/Desktop/*
killall Finder
To reveal them again change "hidden" to "nohidden"

14. Make all your apps Have a Metal Appearance

defaults write -g NSGrayBackground -boolean

15. Enable list of Computers on ScreenSharing

defaults write com.apple.ScreenSharing ShowBonjourBrowser_Debug -boolean

defaults write com.apple.ScreenSharing debug -boolean

Thank you so much!

16. Anything you need to do on your mac??? email me at anonalytic@gmail.com